Friday 13 November 2015

History of the Abnormal Psychology a succinct note for the students.

Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram
Faculty of Philosophy

History of the Abnormal Psychology

Bro. Sebin Varghese
( 1414728)

An Assignment on the history of the Abnormal Psychology.
November, 2015

Psychology, a strenuous, diverse and complex discipline, that advocates  systematic and scientific study of growth, development, social issues, thinking and problem solving, abnormal thought and behavior. Behavior is always enthralling in human being and animals as far as psychology is concerned. The methodical researches and studies in the field of Psychology render scientific knowledge of thought and behavior. In history, perspective and applications Prof. Kenneth Keith[1] explained how psychological questions arose from the philosophical considerations and frameworks. The shrewd study of the abnormal psychology the student comes across the various dimensions of personality, highlighting process that affects the normal and abnormal facets of personality says Prof. Janet Carlson[2]. Through this succinct notes, collected and geared up as per the norms for an assignment in the faculty of Psychology can render concise data’s on the Historical development of Abnormal Psychology and the amendment of the stereotype stance of the society towards the victims with the assistance of modern science and technology.
Abnormal Behavior
 Behavior of some human beings can be considered as odd and strange, which is subjected to and elucidated through raising certain valid questions. There are several ways, utilized by Psychologist to wrap up a behavior, as normal or the opposite. Abnormality will be sewed to a particular behavior if (a) it deviates from average or socially accepted, (b) away from the ideal behavior, (c) if it generates sever stress on the individual, (d) and advertising of inability to function effectively in the society[3]. In Psychology, the normal distribution of the Qualities of interest follows a Bell Shaped curve where the normal traits of behavior are not pushed to both extremes. Another method to check the quality of the normal behavior involves how well an individual’s actions align with established ideals for that particular behavior[4]. The Abnormal behavior can be developed in any individual without any reservation. It must not be taken as a chance to blame the abstract reality of fate or God as a punishment for the past committed Sins or mistakes. The severity of the stress also can be resulted in the formation of the abnormal behavior. The sense of personal distress or Subjective Distress[5] is also a helpful aid to discriminate the normal and abnormal behavior. This abnormality can cause inability to function effectively.
Historical Views of the Abnormal Behavior
Human Behavior is as old as the History of the existence of Human Being. Since then human behavior exhibited several abnormal traits. Prior to the 16th century, most of the mental disorders were believed and understood to be caused by the dread influence of demonic control, witchcraft, Satan worship, and or divine involvement or possession. It was considered as aberrant even centuries ago for it failed to cop up with the standards of the then time. For e.g. Anorexia nervosa[6] was treated with exorcism, as were many nervous disorders and to the extreme cases they were burned at the stake. Certain condition of the victims of mental disorder was pathetic and odd even to think of. The particular behavior that was strange or unusual to then age was considered as outright bizarre behavior

1.               Ancient Times
As we revise, the early approaches towards the psychiatric victims from the discoveries and study of Philosophers, such as Hippocrates[7] (460-377 B.C.) who said, the disproportionate level of body fluids[8] caused temperament[9] disorders, and early A.D. philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Galen were more critical and comprehensive in nature than the followed centuries. It had the touch of modernity with sympathy, compassion, mercy and dealt with them in a humanitarian temperament. Their views were in relation with the views of the 21st century.
Today, our 21st century world sees abnormal psychology in a very different light than centuries past practiced. The need of kind treatment and tapping to the root cause of each disorders pushing aside the traditional views such as demoniac possession, curse from God etc. the expertise of then era even find out the possibility of generating mental disorders due to physical injuries such as heard injury and the possibility of inheriting as hereditary.
The 12th through 16th centuries saw a turn to cruelty in dealing with the mentally ill. Imprisonment, starvation, severe beating, and restraint with chains quickly became the preferred method of dealing with the mentally ill. 
Trephining[10] burrowing or scraping holes and the use of bleeding[11] were the major methods used frequently in the history as treatment because even the ancient Greek societies explained this strange behavior as the result of evil possession or supernatural and spiritual phenomena.
Modern Times
18th century marked certain advanced studies and this age of enlightenment gave importance to the notions such as humanitarianism. As a result, the chained customs of past era where cruel practices of beating the ill, chaining, secluding from the society were changed as part of the experiment and that came out as an accomplishment. Trained medical practitioners were welcomed to render treatment or medical assistance to the victims and the name Asylum[12] started to proliferate in this era.
The 19th century witnessed a drastic change in the approach towards the ill. Dorothea Dix[13], was one among the prominent reformers who brought the real dignity of psychic people as incredible to be respected. By the end of this century a number of new theories were advanced to offer treatment alternatives. In that Emil Kraepelin deserves more attention. The Somatogenic[14] belief was taken backward steps and advocated the psychogenic[15] theory.
Along with the rapid change, that occurred in the diverse fields of American terrain the 20th century made prominent, remarkable progression in the treatment of mentally ill people. The National Institute of Mental Health was established, the Hill-Burton Act[16], which provided funding for mental health agencies, was passed, and the age of "deinstitutionalization[17]" began. Along with this rapport, Sigmund Freud's theory along with his colleague Josef Breuer on mental and emotional disorders was gaining worldwide interest. For a large part of the population, Talk-therapy and psychoanalysis became widely used. Alcoholics Anonymous[18] was founded in 1939. By the end of the 20th century, A.A had gained a projected around 1 million members in America alone. The fear and discomfort towards the mentally ill were reduced and people started to report cases for the betterment of the victim. Research, in turn, led to greater developments in therapies were made-up to help millions of people anguishing from a variety of mental disorders, as well as the development of numerous drugs that were prescribed in great excess during this century, often to the detriment of the patient.  
Early 21st century research mainly focused on the study of neurotransmitters, hormones, genetics, and brain matter. This research has, and will continue to, lead to alternative treatments that are geared to changing, or "fixing," brain chemistry. Hormonal imbalances, and neurotransmission problems in the brain, were studied deeply with minimal of seldom prescription of medications. This present era mainly stressed on a pill-free treatment to the ill that resulted sever problems to the patient as side effect. Some can be highly addictive, and often very difficult to withdraw from. The latest investigation brought forward that the use of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are able to decrease the onset of psychotic disorders, such as bi-polar[19] and paranoid Schizophrenia[20]. These conclusion are very exhilarating, for the reason that big amount of Omega 3 have no side effects, help ease depression, and actually fabricate good benefits to the heart, skin, and eyes of the consumer.  Later periods the more look was to the Humanistic perspective on the Abnormal Behavior which centers on rendering human worth and dignity. It incorporates the Human values, interests and welfare.

The Medical Representation and Psychotic Elucidations

            The institutionalizations of the mentally disordered men were mushrooming in a larger scale. Moral therapy[21]that gained a drastic support and appreciation with a large scale approval fell because of the development and consideration of the medical Doctors, as mentally disorder is biological aspect, which demands treatment. In a way the emergence of Medical Model[22] enhanced with reference to the explanation and treatment of the Psychological disorders.

Influence of Religion

During the renaissance era, abnormal behavior was considered as something by the possession of Evil powers especially the witch craft. The church stood a firm step to punish or hunt the roots of evil practices and practitioners. Hysteria[23] and Paranoia[24] ran high and as people regarded the eradication of witches as both civic and religious duty.

Individuals with serious mental discomfort can be seen all through the eras. They are the victims of severe mental disturbance and people who are far away from the reality around them. These victims will be facing a constant failure in t managing their common personal, familial and societal activities. Yet to the extreme cases the society can seclude them only because of the bizarre behavior they possess. These abnormalities are tend to be noticed by the significant people with respect to the individual and put into the notice of a psychological expertise who can find the root or hidden cause for this strange behavior in one. Behavior is dynamic and reactive to environmental as well as internal interests. As events and circumstances unfold the influence behavior, its location on the continuum can shift in one direction or the other.

Carlson, Janet F. “Handbook of Psychology: Personality and Abnormal Psychology.” Vol. VI. New York: Viva Books, 2014.
Comer, Ronald J. “Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology.” New York: Worth Publishers, 1999.
Genova, L. “Still Alice.” New York: Pocket Books, 2009.

[1] Kenneth Keith is a Psychology Professor in the University of San Diego, who is recognized as one of the major figures associated with the development field of Psychology.
[2] Dr. Carlson, Professor in the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
[3] Ellis, A. “Addictive behaviors and personality Disorder.” Social Policy 29 (1988): 25-30.
[4] Carlson, Janet F. “Handbook of Psychology: Personality and Abnormal Psychology.” Pg.24.
[5] Subjective distress is the awareness of an Individual’s experience on his perceived level of stress, dissatisfaction, despair, tension, confusion, fear and anxiety. Carlson, Janet F. “Handbook of Psychology”, Vol. VI. Pg.26.
[6] A disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by an extreme loss of weight.
[7] Hippocrates used an empirical approach to explain the subnormal behavior by observing and describing instances of mental illness, including epilepsy and Phobias. He also developed a biological explanation for the abnormal behavior.
[8] His study propagated the knowledge that disorders can be caused due to the imbalance of body’s four vital fluids or humors: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm.
[9] Four temperaments: Choleric, Sanguine, melancholic, Phlegmatic.
[10] Trephining was one of the extreme practices employed by ancient people to free an individual from evil spirit by drilling a hole in 1-inch diameter in to the skull of a living person alive. Carlson, Janet F. “Handbook of Psychology: Personality and Abnormal Psychology.” Pg.30.
[11] Purposely opening a vein and allowing blood to flow out of the body.
[12] A Home first held in the 16th C for the mentally ill people where their needs are met by the NGO’s or any Governmental institutions. Later most became virtual prisons.
[13] A nurse (1802- 1887) and social reformer who began a revolution in the way people viewed the mentally ill. She gained worldwide recognition for bringing the inhumane treatment of mental patients to the attention of the public. She established and enlarged 32 mental hospitals in America, Europe, and Japan, and changed treatment practices to those of a humanitarian nature. 
[14] Originating or arising from the bodily structures.
[15] Theory that came up with the teaching that emotional or psychological pressures give rise to mental disturbances.
[16] The hospital survey and construction act is U.S federal law passed in 1946.
[17] A movement that began in the 1960’s and encouraged discharging in to the community psychiatric patients many of whom had been hospitalized for many years.
[18] A self-help organization that provides support and guidance for persons with alchahol abuse or dependence.
[19] Am experience of both lows of depression and the highs of mania.
[20] Items that show bizarre or unusual thoughts or behavior, including extreme withdrawal, delusions or hallucinations. 
[21]  Humane and supportive approach to treating individual with mental disorders as normal people who have shouldered unusually heavy burdens.
[22] View of mental disorders as illness that result from biological abnormalities and diseases that should be treated with biologically based practices such as medication.
[23] A disorder in which physical functioning is changed or lost, without an apparent physical cause.
[24] Items that shoe abnormal suspiciousness and delusions of grandeur or persecution.

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