Monday 16 November 2015

A brief note on the metaphysics of Hegel for the students

Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram
Faculty of Philosophy

Metaphysics of George Wilhelm Fredric Hegel (A German Idealist)

Bro. Sebin Varghese
( 1414728)

An Assignment on the history Metaphysics of George Wilhelm Fredric Hegel 
(A German Idealist)
October, 2015


A genius of the 18th Century Philosophical school of thought, George Wilhelm Fredric Hegel (German Idealist) who developed a metaphysical structure, deeply swayed by the Aristotelian as well as Kantian philosophical teachings and explorations. However, we see idealism in the philosophical discourses of Aristotle and Plato, the Ancient Greek Philosophers; it comes to an unqualified shape in the contributions of Hegel and Bradley. The foremost metaphysical theme of Hegel surrounds over ideal-ism or idea-ism. More over his input of Absolute idealism to the world of Philosophy stands as the indispensable or key point of his entire philosophical arguments or discourse. The works of Hegel are to be twirled over for a facet encounter with this German Idealist. The following works of Hegel such as “The phenomenology of the Spirit”, “The Philosophy of Right”, and “The Science of Logic” can be an enormous aid in the critical study of Hegelianism.
Idealistic Metaphysics
Hegel was deeply influenced or in other way to the highest degree indebted to the ideas of Aristotle. The speculations of Kant made Hegel to construct a novel ontological argument on the idealism as well. The metaphysics of Kant is not a science rather it enhance the idea of values. For Immanuel Kant metaphysical entities are not objects of scientific enquiry but of Faith. For Kant the three ideas of Reason such as God, Soul and the World are not constitutive rather they are regulative of Knowledge and postulates of practical reason. The dialectic method applied by Hegel was a unique shift or knowledge seen in the Hegelian approach. The dialectical method is considered as the tool in the Hegelian metaphysics. This dialectical method can unfold the Absolute itself through the triple steps of Thesis
(Universal concepts), Antithesis (Contradiction) and Synthesis (the union of these two). This triad of metaphysical analysis, such as Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis are demonstrated unmistakably in the metaphysical deduction of Categories. The critiques authored by Kant such as “The critique of Pure Reason”, “The critique of Practical Reason” and “The critique of Judgment” give more description on these areas, for e.g. the first concept in the metaphysical deduction of categories are the Unity, Plurality, and Totality. Here Unity is the Thesis, Plurality is the antithesis, and totality is the synthesis.
Hegelian metaphysical identity proves to be in connection with the Dialectical method. The didactic method is based on the assumption of the identity of thought and things. Hegel states that it is thought that passes from the abstract concepts to the concrete and from empty to the fuller ideas. Ultimately, things are nothing but a system of thoughts.
Idealism teaches the supremacy of spirit over Matter. The most important kind of Idealism propagated by Hegel was the absolute Idealism. Absolute Idealism coaches that matter is not Mind, but mind remains as the foundation to know matter in its fullness. Hegel would further say that Mind is the Key to understand matter. It is the “self-conscious” mind that rank the creation through matter, life, and the Human mind. Matter is considered as unintelligible without a mind and matter is governed or regulated by the laws of science. Nevertheless, laws are eventually thoughts of each rational being. It is intact to say that Hegel was influenced by the Aristotelian judgment of idealism that would edify, that the height form is the indwelling spirit and reason of the world, which moulds all things. It is not the reiteration but to corroborate that, self-conscious mind has become the basal category of the idealism. The primacy of the spirit is valued more than any other ideas. Dealing with Reality in a comprehensive approach is
the area of expertise of Hegel. He regards philosophy is the product of reflective reasoning. This would help to have precise and deep insight into the idea of the true, the eternal and the absolute potent that reveals in the world. He teaches that this absolute dwells in the finite and not in the other world. The nature of this absolute is the reason, spirit that is in a flex of constant movement towards perfection. The Hegelian philosophy brings the decisive expression of the Absolute.
The absolute idealism expounds the idea of absolute consciousness. The absolute is all reality. The monistic expression if Hegelian idealism and the explanation of the external world as the expression of the Gods self-creation say that there is no reality outside God. This reality is the act of God’s Will. The most important and decisive expression from Hegel is that the real is rational and the rational is real. This application of Reason penetrates the ideas of Kantian Dualism. To conclude Hegel promulgates that Synthesis (Unity in the Plurality) Is the Goal of Philosophical expeditions and investigations.

Masih, Y. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), “A Critical History of Western Philosophy”. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1994. Pg. 400-452.
Wallace A. William. “The Elements of Philosophy: A Compendium for Philosophers and Theologians.” New York: St.Pauls, 1977. Pg. 305-325.

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