Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Grotesque Shadows of Sapphic Challenges in the Contemporary Hedonist Society: A Critical Foray with the Kantian Ethics, Humanity as an End- in- itself.

Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram
Faculty of Philosophy

The Grotesque Shadows of Sapphic Challenges in the Contemporary Hedonist Society: A Critical Foray with the Kantian Ethics, Humanity as an End- in- itself.

Bro. Sebin Varghese
( 1414728)

September 2016

The claim that I bring forth as the host of this paper is that in the Moral Philosophy of Immanuel Kant the demand that ascends in the Principle of II Formula clearly conditions to treat Humanity as an end in itself not as mere means. In the Sapphic[1] culture predominantly, for the argument of the paper encircles around this proposal or any other culture in that matter, tuned and subscribed to that apex point of pleasure principle would invariably inflate its subscription to the Categorical Imperative maxims to the Hypothetical, that are immoral in Kantian perspective due to the decadence of fully operational reason. I, along with Kant would wrap up that the Lesbian challenges in their malformed sexual orientation clearly treat the other individual as means for their sexual indulgences. Therefore in this confront the standard Rational is not Relational for Kantian adherents. As a matter of objective and subjective reality my attempt in no way refutes the personal autonomy and freedom that Kant celebrates in his teachings on the individual qusai[2] beings.
The question Why is it important would enhance the quality of the paper as I have learned. It is important to learn the Ethical principles that are Universal and objective to appreciate this relational code or standard the Kantian product of a fully functioned reason which pushes down all immoral activities to the subject of opprobrium. Lesbian carnal contentment scrounges would be an overweening administration towards the uniqueness of human existence, law, objective and goal set by nature, Civil, and divinity. Even this act would be justified by the adherents in relation with Individual freedom and Autonomy but it can be duplicated as a mere kind of leisure, dodging activity or rationalization according to Kant. I would argue after learning fairly a number of articles and authors on both Ethical teaching of Kant and  others pertaining to the Sapphic shadows in the society, it is judged to be irrational and inclinational behavior or temperament which is a silenced pandemonium that all might not take courage to listen or intervene. So and so forth this shade will envelop not only the research paper in suspicion and doubt but also the researcher for it is quite eccentric, bizarre and foreign in our discussions.
           This paper will contain the major discussed topics such as Womanhood in the Universal context, Women in Diverse Traditions, Lesbian Psychology, and Kantian Ethical Contributions with precision as the forerunning criterion.

Womanhood in the Universal context
Women in the universal canopy is preened as the model of forfeiture , all compassionate and merciful face bearers and the icon of hushed existence following the principle of Good and End[3] with outstanding personal accounts as epitome[4].This womanhood[5] would be at times celebrated by religion and ethnic leftovers quoting religious traditions and social observances as well. Though women were silent in the beginning of the 20th century the perception and need of feminism aroused as an attack and the public aggression against the Patriarchal hegemony and exploitation into certain extend and also to an extent coloured or adultered for the superior business of feminist proponents and adherents as I would broaden my topic in the shadows of Kantian teachings and propagations. The discriminated social environment to which women shackled were the causal factors to terminate realism form the face of earth the worth contribution from this exploited gender in the milieus of Literature, Science, art, and so forth. This gender sensitivity is lucidly expressed in the writings of Witting Monique[6] Though there are conspicuous examples for the negative traits of womanhood in the antique settings as well in attendance the forerunning panorama on women is a merciful compassionate stature as provident. Therefore women excel themselves in the civilian panorama as an end of contribution and reception. But this ascension in the women power is weakened parallel by the possibilities of endangering the gender and their ego with certain immoral principles of preferential utilitarianism and hedonism triggered by rationalization that which is a standard way of justification for Kant.

Women in Diverse Traditions
Diverse Traditions worldwide gave various assorted portraits of women into the historical accounts. Obviously women were subtle and fragile in the primordial days being always fashioned as Jewelry around men’s wrist and waist. In the European scenario before the renaissance period circumstances curtailed women freedom and expression of speech and so crammed the well being of each woman. It would be better identified from the renaissance literature of Europe, Russian and American terrains[7].  Even in the Indian[8] delta too these voices were heard and penned in the papers in numerous volumes especially from the voice of Mahatma Gandhi the father of Indian Nation in the Young India.
“To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant brute moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior… who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?”[9]
 But my concentration is not on the erudite persona of women but the sexual ethical fluctuations prevalent among them. These fluctuations are visible even to the extent of Political social milieu of the era which is pregnant with ethical nuances and connotations from the Kantian perspective particularly in the concubated life of lesbians. These Lesbian practices are concerned by me as the paradox of the desires in Kantian point of view “the relation of the capacities of the Human mind to moral laws.”[10] But this moral desire is absent in the deeds and conceptions of lesbian adherents and couples to that extreme of other form of marital life. Added to that here in this context the rational capacities are minimized to carnal indulgences and psychological validation. I emphasis this as a justification keeping erring is human as their policy of contentment.
Lesbian Psychology
History portrayed Homosexuality in general comprising lesbian practices in terms of mental illness[11]. But the psychological analysis would say that it is the sexual suppression and the patriarchal domination that makes one to skip away from the normal way of heterosexuality and its practices. This also contributes to political feminism[12] and separatist feminism[13] claiming the freedom of individual preferred as the prior element of consideration. These ways of radicalization of the theme would enhance in the generation lesbian separatism[14]. Over emphasis of male domination and sexual exploitation, a long way absence from the male presence can contribute to these divergent sexual comforts. As I mention the psychologist can add more to your knowledge,
“Psychologist John Buss estimates that for most of human history, perhaps 2% of women have been lesbian or bisexual. Not anymore. Recent surveys of teenage girls and young women find that roughly 15% of young females today self-identify as lesbian or bisexual, compared with about 5% of young males who identify as gay or bisexual”[15].

Kantian Ethical Contributions
Kantian principle on Ethics and its recommendations are obvious in his second formula of treating the humanity as not mere means but end in itself.
It is not human beings per se but the “humanity” in human beings that we must treat as an end in itself. Our “humanity” is that collection of features that make us distinctively human, and these include capacities to engage in self-directed rational behavior and to adopt and pursue our own ends, and any other rational capacities necessarily connected with these.[16]
As Kant would guarantee the lion-share of his knowledge bounds on the self directed spontaneous rational maxims on the respect which should be rendered to the humanity not because of any supplementary or sententious talents, aptitude or competence rather his or her possession of the highest power, the reason. This Rational capability transforms, transmute and transfigure the young genius especially the feminine genius[17] of the era. This sensuous inclination can weaken the rapport establish among the individuals as I do confirm. So the over referred set of human beings with compound or diverse atypical route or orientation towards their sexual exercises deserves recognition, appreciation and motivation by which one performs or the inner core deposition matters a lot. It is in your mind you consign an immoral or moral action foremost. Therefore it would be relevant to quote Kant saying; “Do your duty not for the sake of duty rather with the motive of duty. ” respect as Human beings. Kant points that one’s deeds are secondary to conform his or her accomplishment moral or immoral. Instead the intention and mental disposition would secure one’s act in the boundaries of morality and immorality. This would ensure the complete freedom and will of a human being towards the progression and development of a holistic growth and nature. All will be treated as one and the same existence of respect reverence and beauteous character. Therefore,

“The ultimate destiny of the human race is the greatest moral perfection, provided that through human freedom, whereby alone man is capable of the greatest happiness.” [18]

Therefore in my knowledge and judgment with respect to Kantian ethical discourse one must act according to reason that which is objective and universal. Let none carried away by the inclinations and maxims that would anticipate moral instability. Pleasure as we all know it originates from the principle of inclinations and momentary satisfactions it wouldn’t be any way certified to the bounty of reason. So for Kant what is immoral is irrational. Therefore the Sapphic gratifications for me is irrational; and anti- relational in pursuit of Kantian Ethical Merge considering and respecting the autonomy and freewill of each and every individual.

Clarke, Victoria, Sonja J. Ellis, Elizabeth Peel, and Damien W. Riggs. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Psychology: An Introduction. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Marshall, Joretta L. Counselling Lesbian Partners. Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.
Plaskow, Judith. “Lesbian and Gay Rights.” Tikkun 9, 2 (1994), 31-33.
Lucas, J.R. “The Lesbian Rule.” Journal of Philosophy 30, 3 (July 1955), 195- 213.
Nandhikkara,Jose. Feminine Genius: Women Leader for a Just and Compassionate Society. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2016.
Kant, Immanuel. Lectures on Ethics. London: Cambridge Publications, 1991.


[1] It’s related to the general ways of literal expression on the sexual activity that is engaged by two women as Homosexual partners or a synonym for lesbianism.
[2] A being that can be both temporal and permanent at its several attributes.
[3] Principle of Good and End teaches the Ultimate readiness of person to bare sufferings or pain in the anticipated or ambitioned end of good as the result. In this principle of Good a mother would hurt herself even getting through the scalding flames to save her own child caught in flames. Principle of end speaks one must focus his or her deeds words and so on not as a means to gratify individual or selfish conditions rather a step ahead encompassing the other human beings existing along with the desired person to replicate his liberty to achieve a certain end.
[4] This personal accountability can be traced in the life of Mary the mother of Jesus as the best model of womanhood also from the history of world such as Madam Query, Helen Keller, Joan of Arc, and Mother Theresa etc.
[5]Women considered as a group: "The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood"
[6] Monique, The Encyclopedia of World Writers, 450.
[7] Renaissance literature enhances the plight of women which is expressed by Sylvia Plath, Anna Akhmatova, Elizabeth Grimston and so forth who recorded the suppressed feelings of women of then age.
[8] In the writings of Balamaniyamma, Smitha Agarwal,  and Lalithambika Antharganam  this cry of women are heard who longed for a serpentine queue of years to certifies their rights and freedom s woman
[9] Nandhikkara, Feminine Genius, 7.
[10] Marshall, Counseling Lesbian Partners, 99.
[11] Clark, Lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Trans., and Queer Psychology,134.
[12] Feminism Defined. Francine is a politically active feminist. Feminism is a group of social theories, moral philosophies and related political movements that advocates social, political and economic equality between the sexes.
[13] Separatist feminism is a form of radical feminism that holds that opposition to patriarchy is best done through focusing exclusively on women and girls. Some separatist feminists believe that men cannot make positive contributions to the feminist movement and that even well-intentioned men replicate the dynamics of patriarchy.
[14] Lesbian separatism is a form of separatist feminism specific to lesbians. Separatism has been considered by lesbians as both a temporary strategy, and as a lifelong practice but mostly the latter. Lesbian separatism became popular in the 1970s as some lesbians doubted whether mainstream society or even the LGBT movement had anything to offer them.

[17] Nandhikkara, Preface, Feminine Genius, 7.
[18] Kant, Lectures on Ethics, 252.

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