Saturday 21 January 2017

Abortion is a murder

1. Introduction
The current period of this supersonic era is devastated not only by the infringements of national calamities, religious fanaticism and cross border attacks and isolated attacks to particular denominations of belief and faith. However, this ultra modern, shallow and morally vulnerable era is marked for it brutal nature of emotionally charged, psychologically handicapped and retarded society in matters dealing with personal comforts and securities. The marketed innocent human beings in large scale shifted the nightmare term abortion to the school curriculum of today. The sense of abortion crept in to the social mind by the crucial judgement by the Supreme Court of US in the case of Roe v Wade[1] which malformed the worth of human beings to merely monetary and customary price in the marketing sensex. At times the economic value decides the value of human life and relationship, a monetary value of the crown of creation. May I put forward a generic question before I dive into my topic of this paper? Who are we to price the human life and its dignity? How can you judge one not to live and impede his or her desires to live? Why don’t you allow me to live? Am I a threat for your existence? These are or might be the just interrogations I would like to receive answers from you, since a foetus in the womb of a woman is helpless to question your act aloud. The ramification of these deeds are not the ratification to the social and individual problems that a woman might submit herself to in spite of her brute and egocentric desires of pleasure which is hypothetical in Kantian sense. We are all dump to listen to the cry of the other since the beginning of the human existence in this world and deaf and lame as well. The economic, scientific and overseas relationship and policies of political nations can connive to these issues and take it as a sumptuous dish for a hot fruitless debate and to raise the polls for their future certainties and these booms of the country silence the mourn of unwanted foetus in routine basis around the four walls of a hospice and to the margins of clandestine issues. Here in this short paper may I concentrate myself and oblige your attention to the voice and arguments that stand for and against the culture of ‘murder in shadows’ as I call abortion , and its grotesque features that impinge on the victims and the social dynamics.  Prior to the notes to be penned down, may I sincerely extend my gratitude to Dr. Roy Palatty CMI, for the investment of his confidence on me, to have a study on this prowling disquieting alarm in the contemporary human race.
1. Abortion
Abortion is a murder and it is a divisive issue.[2] This issue certainly makes the back crook, of many leaders and common men to reply the sentiments asked by the victims and the pro- life camps concerning abortion. It is a threat to life and the constitutional, elementary, critical, and indispensable right to life. The logical sequence of pro-life movement embarked on its journey since 1793 with the Roe decision.[3] Before these lay movements consumed the loin-share of all active movements its roots laid its foundations in the Catholic Church by the dawn of year 1960.
In the words of St. John Paul II, abortion is not only a danger that swallows the child and the mother with disposition of guilt and tremendous horrendous feelings; it is the incalculable danger to all humanity.[4] The Pope says during his visit to Vancouver, in September 19, 1984;
            Dear brothers and sisters: on this evening when we celebrate life we are also mindful            of the many threats to life which exist in our technological society. Of incalculable          danger to all humanity is the rate of abortion in society today. This unspeakable crime            against human life which rejects and kills a life at its beginning sets the stage for           despising, negating and eliminating the life of adults, and for attacking the life of the face of these evils which threaten life in our day, it must again      proclaim in practice the sacredness of the human life as a precious gift of a loving           creator. a gift to be accepted, respected and protected... “[T]he church stands for life:             in each human life she sees the splendour of that ‘yes’, that ‘amen’ who is Christ      himself” (Familiaris Consortio, 30).[5]
Abortion is the conscious, deliberate, rationalised, self and the other reflected action as well as the unconscious, natural or the spontaneous action that can occur accidently. If the former is taken into thoughtfulness it would be termed as the direct abortion which is voluntary with full consent. This is also a murder with consent, a silent termination. If abortion is legalised then it would be easy for the business that necessarily in need of the foetus in cosmetics and other drug production and to improve the flavour of the food items and beverages for instance;
            Aborted Human Foetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavours Biotech companies   have been using aborted human foetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different    flavouring agent in their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech            company in CA called Synomyx has been using aborted human foetal cells in foods and beverages. The HEK 293 is the code for aborted human kidney cells that are used     to generate taste receptors that can stimulate a type of protein known as G protein           familiar to human’s taste. Beside Synomyx, PepsiCo also continues to use aborted          human foetal cells in their drinks. Last year the shareholders of PepsiCo signed a             petition that required the company to adopt ethical ways to enhance the natural         flavouring of their drinks and stop using human aborted foetuses. However, the            Obama             administration shut down the proposal and gave their blessing to PepsiCo to          continue the use of aborted babies as flavour enhancer in their drinks which             means business as usual. Based on the Center for Disease Control and           Prevention       (CDC) the dead human tissues are also found in flu vaccines beside other substances             like aluminium, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate            (MSG), mercury and    antibiotics.[6]
            As I mentioned in the earlier part of the text abortion can be also practiced by way of compulsion from the side of husbands, boyfriends, parents and even the counsellors who mimic abortifacients, are being highly paid and employed to mitigate the responsibility of murder as corollary to the life savings. This murder is polished and put in the wording of Pre-choice so that the rights of women are upheld on that of child. If so this mitigation or the resemblance of act can be justified or rationalised by way of living together such as cohabitation as Fr. Lawrence Abello puts it “living together before marriage is to get to know one another.”[7] Knowing one another is relatively good and it facilitates a moral and ethical subscription is overruled by encompassing healthy understandings about each other. But I become sceptic at times. They mean to live together to have a better comprehension of the both parties. Then why on earth they fail to understand the human being that grows in the womb of a woman or partner.
            Here the ideas of prestige, name and fame, reputation and high apposite cachet invariably creep into, and with much more coercion they unleash on the activities and vicious thoughts of the terminators. This viciousness has the capacity and potency in itself to turn the holy womb to an ugly tomb.
This evil process also crept into the land of defence of life and punyakshetra who promoted and varnished the ideals of bhuta-yanja and tatwamasi in dormition in the pages of Vedic texts and feasted in the canopies of religious discourses and philosophical interrogations. India legalised the pro-choice or pro abortion boll in the parliament in 1969 and legalised in the year 1971 and consequetievely implemented in 1972[8], chiselling the consciousness and brutality of abortion to the well furnished and aesthetic literary term Medical termination of pregnancies (MTP)[9]. Thus the home land India famed for the rishis and highly sophisticated Indian ideals on morale become the 26th country in the sequel of nations that publically promoted abortion or in my words planned silent Killing.  This bill is passed by the statement declaring, “It is another step forward on the road to social reformation.”[10] It is quite ironic and contrary to the existence of human being in the words of Hegel where his proposal that human beings carry contradictions in themselves. Here the contradiction is the acquiescence of human existence is due to love and concern along with support from the society and from within oneself at large. In abortion we become our own threat the antivirus that kills ourselves. The malformed human nature is crashing the entire system if we put i the computer terms. Before going an extra miles that is not welcomed let us see what are the causes and arguments that stand for and against the act of abortion.
What all affects the patient to victimise abortion? And what are the side effects both physiologically and psychologically? What are the sensical remedies at least in theory to console the pro-life campers? These may be dealt in the forth coming pages.
1.1. Pro-Choice Argument
In every social context of reformation and renaissance from its historical or traditional patterns of behaviour and deeds there can be always two-fold opinions and talks. Obviously there will be philosophies raising points against and in favour of the debating topic. That is natural comprehensible. But in the case of life in its nascent stage will demand and require another stance form the public since we deal with the human life no with vegetative and animal rights and life.
1.1.1. Vulnerability of human Foetus
Human foetus is so vulnerable and weak in its preparatory stages and then till it gets into a full-fledged rational being even after without any guarantee of healthy mind and surroundings that can preserve the life of human being from dangers that are hidden and self-induced. We must know when does the human person begin to be? The question itself is a negation to the foetus since foetus is expressed adjectively with preposition it. The pro-choice argue that the person is the individual with full rational capacities and self reflective nature. The foetus is null and zero in this philosophical comprehension therefore a foetus can’t be considered as a person it is weak and vulnerable in its possession of faculty of thought. It sounds anti religious and consider all other anti-human measures as positive elements to clean human from the face of the earth. So the termination can be practiced.
1.1.2. A Subhuman Argument
The pre born child is not considered as a human being. As Abello mentions;
            “it is not surprising that many in our society assert, without a shred of evidence, that the preborn child is not a human being. Throughout the history whenever the exploiters wanted to victimize a group of people, the tendency always has been to rationalize that the victimized are subhuman.”[11]
            This subhuman trait is the loophole and easy way to terminate the preborn child. I would say this is cowardice and spinelessness. This spinelessness is revealed in the acts of heterosexuality, premarital and post-marital affairs, rape and incest as well The cowardice of a few becomes the knell of the innocent, a potentially brave being by way of dilation and curettage or dilation and extraction a euphemistic explanation.[12]
1.1.3. ‘Erroneous-nigh’ of Murder
The shallow answer to the probe we made in the question in the prior pages was when does the life begin? The corollary and parallel interrogation can be raised here however that when does the human life end? Are we taxing to a butchers shop or to the life saving hospice? In the hospitals and village quack campuses resembles the sting of bloodshed and rotten flesh of innocents murdered by the slaughter to cover the face of a cannibal. The concept that human foetus is not a person but the collection of a bundle of cells. Therefore extinction is viable at any time and predominantly at the lunar month period of This deviated knowledge that human being is a bundle of cells are true but it remains so at the last breath of each human being saying, human beings are budle of cells.if so they can be permitted for annihilation why cant we kill them? What ia wrong in murder? What is wrong in suicide? It is only a bundle of cells after all! These shallow answers can devastate the human generation to the era of cannibals and carnage culture.
1.1.4. Rape and incest
In the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these situations.[13]
1.1.5. Abortion is a safe medical procedure.
The vast majority of women - 88% - who have an abortion do so in their first trimester. Medical abortions have less than 0.5% risk of serious complications and do not affect a woman's health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth.[14]
1.1.6. Stress on civil or public right
Every human being has a civil right over his or her own body, that which is concretely assured and preserved by the local authority, the government. Therefore it’s a humble and complete autonomous right f each individual to carry out the desires of each individual over his body.
1.1.7. Economic inefficiency
The economic inefficiency due to impoverished life style and the result  in absence of natural family planning can also traumatise the women to undergo the social dictum “extricate the parasite/s.” And it can be considered as normal act as if so I apply scissors on the hair since it grows beyond my wish and desire at any cost. This personal desire can endanger the potential person by scissoring the human society.
1.1.8. Peer by-chance experiments a ‘gradum summum’
The teenage fantasies and experiments with boyfriends and cyber friends can cause unwanted pregnancies. If it is to clear up the face and name and scholastic excellence in front, can avoid extra burden and unknown cause inside the womb for a better career happened by chance.
1.2. Pro-Life Arguments
Life demands and deserves right, dignity, love and pathos in all sense. Pro life camp persistently stands for a life that must be flourished and celebrated in the earth with all possibilities and defensive measures. What so ever be the case or circumstances life remains exuberant and worth that any human name and fame can conquer or confiscate. 
1.2.1. Perverse Intervention of the obstinate civil government.
The one child policy of the China government can also increase the rate of abortion. This is the direct abortion that can elude the civilians from the legal chastisement and fine.  Therefore in order to have a peaceful stay in the civil territory a peace less buy they do by exercising abortion. It is a perverse intention of the China government in order to limit the number of children to demand population control. But the intervention is a wide door to many other horrendous evil activities just like domino effect. However these models of civil interventions should be avoided or overruled by the alternative life-friendly or pro-life measures. A civil parliament or the legislation is not the place where the human beings take his first breath. Rather in the womb of the mother. Therefore the right to life us from the conscience of mother and child not from air conditioned halls.
1.2.2. A Pre-mature hushed murder
Abortion is a pre-mature killing. It is anti-religious, since life of a human being commence at the time of conception. It is not merely a bunch of cells rather the DNA that gives you the “YOU” without any repeated or alike existence. Since the uniqueness of human being is furnished in DNA it is a killing, a planed termination. The right to life as the fundamental right is dishonoured and despoiled in the case of an aborted human being.
1.2.3. Abortion is an act from irrational and lax consciousness.
A healthy rationality assisted by the voice of consciousness never can permit abortion at any cost. This is irrational. The reason I would say that how can your reason that finds a place of dignity and categorically imperative existence can make reason the primary faculty descend into animal or sensate nature. Reason is to facilitate a reasonable life permeating joy, peace and serenity building up a beautiful world where normativism prevails. If not we move not according to categorically rather hypothetically where pleasure and comforts take more dominion that on reason. Our reason is not the reason to reason how to reason out social evils, rather to reason how to not to reason to find reason to kill. The lax consciousness would permit the silence certification for the bad to be bad and good also to be bad with connive approach and indifference.
1.2.4. Adoption and munificent NGO
The functions of adoption centres and Non Governmental Organisations such as Mother Theresa’s institutions facilitate the opportunity for the adoption of the child for the parents who long for children. If so provided by the society on what ground should a woman abort her child. Why can her wait for a day to be peaceful and not driven by guilt and traumatic existence. It is definite that a reckless act cannot be justified by wickedness. It is by doing mistake one comes to know what a mistake is and that it is the mistake that one exercised knowingly or unknowingly avail him, by not mistaking in his life, to not mistake repeatedly again. Therefore a mistake should not be a channel for the other like a chain effect.
1.2.5. Adoption accelerates ectopic pregnancies and psychological drawbacks.
It is clearly proofed from the real life experience that one can be haunted by tremendous psychological setbacks after permitting abortion in her womb. It scissors the mother and i would argue it destroys the centrality of life since umbilical cord has its origin front he Greek word umphalos which means center, and from which the Delphi the center of the world comes. Therefore is human beings are scissored the center of the living creatures are at stake. It also accelerates the ectopic pregnancies.[15] Many Americans who pay taxes are opposed to abortion; therefore it's morally wrong to use tax dollars to fund abortion. Those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards. Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress.[16]
Abortion is not the final destiny or solution to the problem created by the solutioners themselves. It is the extreme act that a mild, innocent hman being can resist and think of. As adults we consciously reproof and retaliate the attacker or the one who is risk to our lives. For it is so precious to us and there are many more dreams and heights to be achieved, of so foetus is also a potential human beings where it waits for its turn. No more one must make her womb a slaughters house and act as a vampire who drinks the blood of the innocents. Let us use Contraception even though I am sceptic to say it’s positive side not causing conception and then a leading to abortion 5. Let us be reminded  that Abortion is not a solution for the ills of the society 7.Induced abortion is considered ad the tried and true method in the primitive villages of Indian society. 6 but no would be my answer. It’s human and lame way of manipulating our conscious to be not guilty. Let us listen to a black mother from USA; “Even without children my life will be still bad… they are not going to give us what they have, the birth control people.”5Trauma in aborting a child continues after the act in the mind of a woman 3 now in this era it is solidly deteriorated as Lunch hour abortions &Back door abortions 2. Let us not kill other. Let me remind what mother Theresa said; “let us make others to smile before we leave from this world.” I would add to it before they leave from this world of multifaceted sentiments, desires and expectations. Be proud to be a Pro- Life activist. Abortion should not or at an y circumstances administered for it intrudes human hands in to the divine plan. We all must believe that it is not a Panacea.

Reardon, C. David. Making Abortion Rare: A Healing Strategy for a Divided Nation. Springfield:  Acorn Books, 1996.
Bob Senator, Packwood. “Rise and Fall of the Right to Life Movement in Congress: Response to the Life Roe Decision, 1973- 83”, in Abortion, Medicine, and Law: Third Edition, Completely revised, eds. J. Douglas Butler and Davis F. Walbert, 3- 24. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1986.
Abello, Lawrence.The devastating Triad in Contemporary Society. Vancouver: Knights of Columbus, 1983.

Anotherstep forward o the road to social reform pg  Alternatives to abortion
Education services: programmes with in schools, arishes and hospitals, education on thebeginning of the humistian education,an life, in tensive ch 7 “

[1] Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. It was decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton.
[2] Reardon, Making Abortion Rare, 4.
[3] Bob Senator, “Rise and Fall of the Right to Life Movement in Congress: Response to the Life Roe Decision, 1973- 83”, 5.
[4] Abello,The devastating Triad in Contemporary Society,iv.
[5] ‘  “ iv.
[7] “ 3
[8] thiruchirappilly
[9] MTP is Medical Termination of Pregnancy. It also called induced abortion. It is the medical way of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. Any qualified gynecologist (MD/DGO) can perform MTP. Any MBBS Doctor, who has obtained training in MTP, is allowed to perform this procedure.
[10] Thiru 1 1 (Abortion: preventive and remedial support services with reference to india by Catherine Bernard, Tamil bnadu family welfare centre, Tiruchirappilly, 1976.
[11] Abello 36
[12] A36
[15] Ectopic pregnancy, also known as eccyesis or tubal pregnancy, is a complication of pregnancy in which the embryo attaches outside the uterus.